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21/02/2023 in Featured Member

Allowing Others To Get Wise With Their Socials

Allowing Others To Get Wise With Their Socials

Featured Member

An Interview With Zara Oxborough.

Creating her dream lifestyle.

What inspired you to start your business? 

Waking up in the freezing cold, de-icing my car window and spending hours in traffic on the motorway to get to my 9-5 grind in England had got too much. I wanted a life of freedom, travel and purpose. I wanted to feel in control of my own life rather than have corporate dictate my path.

What did you do to make this happen?

I reconnected with an old client in Brisbane and began my mission to build my social media marketing business to help women entrepreneurs get their word out into the world. I create monthly social media management packages and content for these women. If they're stuck and don't know where to start or what they want, I offer a consultation call so we can brainstorm ideas and find out how I can best help them.

Free consultation with Zara >>

What do you love doing the most in your business?

Content creation is my favourite part of my monthly management packages. My background is in fashion design, so creative design is where I thrive.

Examples of branded Instagram posts Zara created as part of her client's monthly management package.

What is your brand name, and how did you come up with it?

Social Wise Co.

I created the name to share my knowledge with others and allow them to get wise with their socials.

Was there a significant challenge you overcame in your business?

Saying no was incredibly guilt and anxiety-inducing for me! As I've genuinely got to know myself, I know what I can do and who I work best with. Choosing the right clients is beneficial for both sides, so saying yes to everything that comes your way isn't always best practice.

Do you have a mentor, or is someone significant who supports you in your business?

As I'm sure all sole businesswomen know, running a business can be a lonely road, and it's hard to see where you can improve when you're in the driver's seat. 

I feel fortunate that my husband is my biggest mentor, role model and supporter. He has revolutionised my business structure and is my unwavering IT support.

What do you believe sets Social Wise Co. apart from others in the same industry?

My fashion design background means I have unique skills and work best with fashion, beauty and lifestyle brands. 

What do you consider to be your biggest accomplishment in your business so far, and why?

Growing my client base to work with businesses I truly admire and believe in!

On a personal level, what do you believe is your greatest strength?

I consider myself an introvert, but my greatest strength is my outgoingness and adaptability to change. Contradictory? Maybe! My worst nightmare used to be presenting in front of people, but with practice, I've become confident in pitching my skills to potential clients, and I'm now thriving when I speak in front of students.

Please share a memorable moment with us in your business journey.

At the start of this year, I landed a new dream client. I danced a happy dance, squealed a little and am still so proud of myself.

Share a story about how someone made you feel about your business.

Client feedback always makes me feel warm and fuzzy! It makes the hard work worth knowing you are helping take the stress off someone's plate.

"Oh my gosh, Zara, I LOVE them! I am loving working with you! We are definitely on the same page! Thank you so much for everything."

"Wow, I love what you have done! It feels really personal and on brand, thank you."

"Thank you, Zara for all your hard work. I am very happy with how our socials are going. It is now much more streamlined and looks great – all thanks to you. A million thank you's Zara!"

"I'm so happy to have you as an important part of my business."

You get so invested in the businesses you work alongside that you feel every up and down with them. One of my clients, in particular, has the kindest heart, and cares deeply about the world and her clients, but has had a rough ride in life lately. I try to go above and beyond to do everything I can to support her as best I can.

Tell us more about how Social Wise Co. has impacted your life.

 It. means. EVERYTHING!

Over the years, I've been able to go back to England and spend months at a time with family working from there. It has allowed me and my husband to be entirely location independent for the last ten months and spend the most quality time with each other, family and friends than we ever have!

The greatest reward for me is creating this dream lifestyle. 

What advice would you give to someone who wants to follow in your footsteps and start a similar business?

Experiment at first and find what it is you are passionate about. Take online courses, attend seminars and networking events, build your portfolio and define your offering.

What message would you like to share with other women entrepreneurs just starting their business journey?

Believe in yourself and put yourself out there. Don't take the knockbacks to heart; something even bigger and better will be around the corner!

As Thucydides said, "The secret of happiness is freedom. The secret of freedom is courage.

Zara Oxborough Profile Photo
Zara Oxborough
Owner of Social Wise Co.

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