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Let's talk about: Why you purchase Art.

Let's talk about: Why you purchase Art.

"The principles of true art is not to portray, but to evoke" – Jerzy Kosinski. 

What kind of art consumer are you?

Do you connect with an artwork, or do you just grab anything that looks pretty?

Art is a funny thing, isn't it?

If you've spent time looking at art, you've probably noticed that art can make you feel different things. It can be dark; it can be light-hearted, it can be nostalgic—it depends on the art and on the person who is looking at it. 

Some people connect with it on a deep level. It's part of their identity. It reflects who they are, what they're thinking, or what they've experienced.

Other people just think things look pretty. They might love the colour or vibe of a particular piece of art, but it doesn't go deeper than that. And that's okay! Art can be purely aesthetic and bring you joy without saying anything about your inner life.

Shouldn't the artwork resonate with who you are? 

No not really, but...

Have you ever seen a painting and felt like the artist had painted it exactly for you? How about seeing a painting that made your heart skip a beat and your jaw drop?

I have been fortunate to have had several of my artworks purchased by clients who expressed those feelings to me. How the painting connected with them on another level. What joy that brings to me as an Artist.

There's one thing that great artwork isn't: disposable.

Art is something we want to embrace, hold onto and keep around us. It's a friend, a family member—someone you look forward to seeing every single day. 

And if you're going to put something on your wall that you're going to live with for years and years (maybe even decades), shouldn't you feel like the choice was wholehearted? 

Art isn't for everyone. 

Some people collect it to match their interior design, while others buy it because it speaks to them. No matter your reason for buying art, you want to invest in something you will enjoy for years to come.

My own artwork is usually inspired by exotic destinations. It speaks to many people who share my passion for ancient architecture and art, of nature and her creatures, and the artists whose work has stood the test of time, such as Leonardo, Picasso, and Matisse. 

Once you understand your motivation or reason for purchasing artwork, it makes the job easier to hone in on the style that resonates with you or fits in with your interior design. 

Whichever way you think, it is personal and has got to work for you. 

Perhaps the best way to approach it is this. If you purchased a beautiful apartment, which is just gorgeous with huge big windows...looking straight at the brick wall opposite. What a disappointment, not to mention the cost involved.

No one wants to look at something every day and not enjoy the view. The same applies to artwork, don't you think?

If you need help with artwork or would love to discuss one created just for you, go to my contact page. I'd love to work with you.

Danielle x



Artwork Image by Briam Cute of Pixabay.

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